***** "I watched our new people learning, smiling & having fun." EATALY  

***** "Saves us so much time, and more than paid for itself." SUPER8

***** "We made 40 pizza videos in a couple of days." Pizza Pilgrims

Hospitality learning made easy, for everyone.

Before switching to SIDEWAYS

Learning felt clunky, with read only text slides, boring everyone to death. Learners were simply switching off.

Getting anything done took days, everything just felt hard.

Support was dreadful, with ticket based systems, and it was costly.

After switching to SIDEWAYS

Everything looks and feels more familiar. Videos replace slides, making training more fun, creating better learning outcomes.

Setting new learning up takes minutes, making knowledge sharing easier. Saving administrators, teams, and the business a lot of time and labour cost.

Support is outstanding, we feel part of a community, and its affordable too. 

Watch SIDEWAYS in action.

Trusted by awesome teams at

Make your team members compliant, in 2hrs not 2 days

Our free video based courses, makes learning important things like compliance training easier. 

On average we save our customers 6-8 hours per team member, that's a lot of time and money.

The savings more than pay for the platform, and shows your people you care about how they learn. 

Our video's are more relatable, 9x more likely to be remembered, and come with subtitling in multiple languages. 

All backed by simple automated reporting tools to give you peace of mind.

We cover Food Safety, H&S, GDPR, Alcohol & Drug Awareness, First Aid, with more coming.

To see a full list of courses click here.

You can get ongoing free access to all our courses, by getting in touch and asking for a demo. 

Watch our compliance trailer video to see just how different we are.

“SIDEWAYS compliance training has made a massive difference in what’s being learned, and less accidents. 90% of our bakeries are now 5*.”

Dawn - Paul

Stop paying too much for crap systems and read only content. 

Compare us to what you're paying now for manuals, trainers, or other crappy e-learning systems. 

The tiers below include all our compliance training course's. Plus 100's of helpful customer curated videos in our global bank, every new platform feature and full ongoing in person support.

0-25 people 
£1,500.00 / year 

50 to 100 people
£2,500.00 / year
up to 250 people
£5,000.00 / year
up to 500 people
£7,500.00 / year
up to 750 people
£10,000.00 / year
up to 1000 people
£12,500.00 / year

Got a bigger crew? No worries we’ve got you covered just get in touch below.

We connect with most modern platforms, like the ones below (for a one off integration fee of £500.00). 

Ask if you cant see yours.

“We wanted something different, but we didn’t expect to get it at such a great price. Saving us 50% of what the others wanted us to pay.”

Roberto - Bleecker Burger

Seen enough, want to get started?

We don't go away, we support you every step of the way. 

We don't have dreadful ticketing systems, we have hospitality lifers helping you get the best out of the platform. We are available in hours, by email and then in person, not lost in a hell on earth cycle for days.

Our SIDEWAYS learning methodology is: 

  • We got this - we set up the platform, assign your courses and help you with automating your reporting.
  • You got this - you bank all of your existing content and we show you how to create videos for the rest.
  • We’ve all got this - our customer admin community & partners help everyone by sharing more and asking for what we need via the global bank.

All of our free training is delivered videos, workshops, and courses. Support is both email and Zoom based.

“Sideways helped us to do our own pizza, drinks and service videos, in a couple of months. Our people loved helping, and they all love watching them.”

Shaw - Pizza Pilgrims

Learn more about 
how it all works.

Videos on - new features, how to’s, whats working, and customer chats.


Want a demo?

Fill in the contact details below and we will arrange a 30 minute call.

We love helping. Now its your turn.

Can we ask a small favour, if you like what you have seen, can you please share it with others.
